Crystal Annang

Crystal Annang
Life will pay whatever price you ask of it. Quote: Tony Robbins

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Fitting the Pieces Together

Over the last seven weeks I have learned a great deal about learning theories and learning styles. My views on how I learn have not changed as a result of the new information. I have taken a great deal of learning inventories through out my career and opted to take several recently. The results of all the testing confirms that I learn in both a linguistic and visual manner.

I have found through the readings and research that many of the theories and styles overlap and several explain various areas of learning better than others. I agree that each of us has a style of learning specific to us yet, I also agree that the subject matter and our age effect the way we learn. Motivation, prior knowledge, and mode of transfer are key elements how well I will learn a topic. I have discovered that though I study online, I learn more in traditional environments where face to face contact is prevalent.

Technology plays a large role in my learning process. I use the Internet to search, gather, and learn new information. I use blogs, posting, emails, and text document to express my ideas. I honestly find that I prefer to read my data in online document verses traditional books and that videos enhance my understanding and help like face to face contact does. Based on my visual and linguistic style of learning each of these aspect enable me to see the data before me and manipulate it to benefit my understanding.

Through out this course I have discovered that learning styles can not fully determine how a topic will be presented. Consideration must be given to the best mode of presenting the data at hand to the majority of learners. As an instructor, I have benefit ted from this course by having a clearer understanding of how various learning methods can impact student success.

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