Crystal Annang

Crystal Annang
Life will pay whatever price you ask of it. Quote: Tony Robbins

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The purpose of this assignment is for me to gain experience in the use of blogs as a networking and learning toold by my interacting with other instructional designers in an oline professional community. My first assignment is to select three websites that I would use in the field of Instructional Design and Developmetn.

My first website of that is great to visit is This is a website that I would actively use when working in the field of Instructional Design. The freebies available to help when me add interest and emphasis to my designs and are high quality. I previously have experience as a webmaster and graphic designer this site helps me to come up with new and creative ways to express my ideas. They offer great tutorials in all the latest graphics and Photoshop applications. You can learn more about Photoshop CS3 and creating slime words, slick black lettering, grunge type, and how to create clouds. There are articles on creating relaxing home offices, finding a job, and how to get more money from a client. Inspiration is my personal favorite, you may not have an idea in your head today but when you look at all the great things that other have created with the same software you have. Well personally my mind soars and I am searching for a way to get all my ideas out before they fly past me in a whirlwind. Check it out and don't forget if you have questions they have a blog. The photo above is a sample from the website of what Photoshop and talent can do when they get together.

And for my second website of choice the one stop blogging link you can't miss. David Airey has collected the top 50 graphic design blog sites and compiled them in a nice need list. I love the way he highlights each site even though many of the blogs are not as well designed as he makes them appear. Each blog does contain information that is relevant to the design field and of benefit when researching new concepts or trying to understand how to layout a design in a unique way. As I investigated the sites in hopes of new found intellect and inspiration I came across and had to share. Time management strategies, surely they were thinking of me when they wrote each and every article. How can I be awesome mother, creative teacher, diligent student and keep all the ball in the air without a fumble. Yes, if you come to think of it – Time Management is not a rocket science, all you need to learn is how to prioritize, delegate and say “no”. If this is not inspiration enough David site is read by over 14000 designers.

My third choice My favorite part of this website is also a list of the top 100 educational technology blogs that they host. I found it helpful to have a list of numerous blogs related to both my education and career all in one place. the topics are: college, E-Learning, education news, education policy, Internet culture, learning, library research, specialty, teaching, and technology. With so many topics to choose from and over 30, 000 that they host you have a great opportunity to find a discussion that fits your needs. In the top 100 is one of my top picks with insightful commentary and fully developed ideas. The video and cartoon samples on lent to better understanding of the concepts presented.

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